Irish Political Parties to Be Banned from Accepting Crypto Donations

Tuesday, 19/04/2022 | 21:17 GMT by Felipe Erazo
  • The ruling comes in the wake of fears over alleged Russian interference in elections.
  • The Electoral Commission will also have the power to take down content from social media.
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Political parties in Ireland will be banned from accepting financial donations through cryptocurrencies under a new set of rules that are being drafted. According to The Independent, the manoeuvre seeks to avoid Russian interference in Irish elections.

Additionally, the political integrity rules seek to make stricter the policies on accepting foreign donations, as the parties will be required to give full details of their portfolios. Additionally, the Electoral Commission will have the power to issue take-down notices to social media companies and clarify misinformation online.

Darragh O’Brien, the local government minister responsible for electoral reform, wrote to party leaders that he had set out a range of measures he is taking to counteract foreign meddling in Irish elections. O’Brien noted he will propose amendments to the Electoral Reform Bill 2022 to prevent malicious online interference, as well as to reform political funding laws to prevent foreign interference in how parties or individuals are funded.

“The appalling invasion of Ukraine and insidious disinformation war highlight the ongoing fundamental threats faced by all democracies,” O’Brien commented, who added that the rulings are intended to protect ‘our democratic system given the escalating threat of cyber warfare targeting free countries.’

“I will engage with constructive, practical suggestions to further these objectives of copper-fastening the defence of our democracy in the face of autocratic aggression in Europe. In light of the urgency of the challenges, I aim, with your co-operation, to pass this legislation and have the new Electoral Commission established by the summer recess,” he pointed out.

Wiki Community against Cryptos

Last week, the Wiki Community voted against accepting crypto donations and unveiled at least three reasons to take such a decision. The proposal was made by Wikipedia administrator checkuser, who encouraged to Wikimedia Foundation to stop accepting crypto donations.

The vote was based on three points: it could be seen as an endorsement of cryptocurrency by the organization; the tech is not environmentally sustainable; and, last of all, accepting crypto could damage the Foundation’s reputation.

Political parties in Ireland will be banned from accepting financial donations through cryptocurrencies under a new set of rules that are being drafted. According to The Independent, the manoeuvre seeks to avoid Russian interference in Irish elections.

Additionally, the political integrity rules seek to make stricter the policies on accepting foreign donations, as the parties will be required to give full details of their portfolios. Additionally, the Electoral Commission will have the power to issue take-down notices to social media companies and clarify misinformation online.

Darragh O’Brien, the local government minister responsible for electoral reform, wrote to party leaders that he had set out a range of measures he is taking to counteract foreign meddling in Irish elections. O’Brien noted he will propose amendments to the Electoral Reform Bill 2022 to prevent malicious online interference, as well as to reform political funding laws to prevent foreign interference in how parties or individuals are funded.

“The appalling invasion of Ukraine and insidious disinformation war highlight the ongoing fundamental threats faced by all democracies,” O’Brien commented, who added that the rulings are intended to protect ‘our democratic system given the escalating threat of cyber warfare targeting free countries.’

“I will engage with constructive, practical suggestions to further these objectives of copper-fastening the defence of our democracy in the face of autocratic aggression in Europe. In light of the urgency of the challenges, I aim, with your co-operation, to pass this legislation and have the new Electoral Commission established by the summer recess,” he pointed out.

Wiki Community against Cryptos

Last week, the Wiki Community voted against accepting crypto donations and unveiled at least three reasons to take such a decision. The proposal was made by Wikipedia administrator checkuser, who encouraged to Wikimedia Foundation to stop accepting crypto donations.

The vote was based on three points: it could be seen as an endorsement of cryptocurrency by the organization; the tech is not environmentally sustainable; and, last of all, accepting crypto could damage the Foundation’s reputation.

About the Author: Felipe Erazo
Felipe Erazo
  • 1036 Articles
Felipe earned a degree in journalism at the University of Chile with the highest honour in the overall ranking, and he also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Communication. In addition, he has been working as a freelance writer and Forex/crypto analyst, with experience gained from several forex broker firms and crypto-related media outlets around the world. He has been involved in the world of online forex trading since 2010 and in the crypto sphere since 2015.

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