Product Management Perspectives: Lessons from Gmail's Failed Integration with Google+

Tuesday, 30/01/2024 | 12:29 GMT by Itamar Gilad
  • The first chapter of 'Evidence-Guided: Creating High-Impact Products in the Face of Uncertainty' reveals the complexities and challenges in product development when confronting market giants like Facebook.
  • The Author, Itamar Gilad, is the creator or of the GIST model - Goals, Ideas, Steps, Tasks - as a method for incorporating evidence into product development.

We are happy to share this excerpt from 'Evidence-Guided: Creating High-Impact Products in the Face of Uncertainty,' a book that provides invaluable insights into the world of product management and development.

This chapter is particularly relevant to the forex and crypto industry, as it offers a deep dive into the challenges faced by one of the tech giants, Google, in its quest to innovate and stay ahead in a rapidly changing market. The experiences shared in this chapter resonate with the volatile and dynamic nature of the forex and crypto markets, where evidence-based decision-making is crucial.

By exploring the integration of Gmail with Google+, the chapter sheds light on the importance of adapting to market trends, understanding customer needs, and avoiding common cognitive biases in product development. We believe this excerpt will provide valuable lessons and strategies that can be applied to navigate the complexities of our industry.

Itamar Gilad
Itamar Gilad

Itamar Gilad is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and coach. He held senior product management and engineering roles for two decades at Google, Microsoft, and a number of startups. Since 2017, Itamar has been teaching and coaching evidence-guided product development to hundreds of companies and thousands of product people. He is the creator of the GIST model, the Confidence Meter, and other widely-used frameworks and tools. Itamar is a regular speaker at industry events, and he publishes a popular product management newsletter.

The Treat of Facebook

It was August 2011, and I had just joined Gmail as a product manager. As I reported for duty on my first day, my head was buzzing with ideas for how I might make my mark on Google’s flagship email service, and, who knows, maybe even reinvent email. But, of course, it was not to be. Google had plans of its own for Gmail, and there was already a big, strategic project waiting for me.

You’ve probably heard of Google+. Maybe you even used it at one point. In the early 2010s, with the threat of Facebook looming over its advertising business, Google decided to go all-in on Social. Google+ wasn’t just a new social network, built from the ground up with all the bells and whistles, it was an entirely new division within Google and the cornerstone of its strategy.

Bradley Horowitz, the Vice President of products for Google+, explained this strategy in a 2011 interview: “Google+ is Google itself. We’re extending it across all that we do—search, ads, Chrome, Android, Maps, YouTube—so that each of those services contributes to our understanding of who you are.” (“Inside Google Plus | WIRED.” Sep. 27, 2011, Accessed Aug. 21, 2020).

And that’s where we, Gmail, came in. Our mission was to connect Gmail and Google+ and make them feel as a part of one whole. This seemed like a reasonable and important thing to do. Social networks were growing at a pace never seen before, and people were spending hours each day using them. Early Google+ was growing fast too.

By October 2011, just months after its launch, it already had 40 million users. Three months later, it officially had 90 million. These were small numbers compared to Facebook’s 800 million active users, but it was a promising start that made us quietly optimistic.

So, off we went. We brainstormed, designed, and built features that brought elements of Google+ into Gmail: you could share photos from Gmail to Google+, see the latest posts from your friends in a side panel next to your inbox, and filter messages by Circles (Google+ friend groups). These were not necessarily cheap or easy projects to pull off. Some carried on until late 2013. Other product ideas were put on hold to allow the Google+ projects to jump to the head of the queue.

This story ends in a sadly familiar way. A small group of enthusiasts adopted the Google+ features in Gmail and loved them, but most other users just disregarded our hard work, and some clearly disliked the mix of social and personal. We persevered and continued to launch according to plan, but the results we hoped for never came. Eventually, after years of low usage, we discontinued all the Google+ features. Today, you won’t find them in Gmail.

Google+ itself didn’t fare much better. While user numbers grew strongly on paper, only a small subset of users remained truly active and engaged. It seemed that most people just didn’t need another social network. The Google+ team iterated and launched new features and redesigns at a fast pace, but to no avail.

Google+ didn’t become an important part of most Google users’ lives, Facebook continued to grow as before, as did Google’s ad business. Eventually, after years of hard work, it became clear that Google’s social strategy had failed and the project lost momentum. Parts of Google+ were spun off into separate products, and the core social network was shut down in 2019.

But, the bad news didn’t end there. With the benefit of hindsight we now know that by placing all its bets on Google+, Google had missed a much larger opportunity presented by social mobile apps, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat. These apps eventually became the threat to Facebook that Google+ aspired to be, and they did it at a fraction of the cost and effort.


Opinion-Based Development

With Google+, Google followed a classic product development pattern, we picked a promising idea, turned it into a plan, then switched to execution. Google+ was a big, strategic idea (which made its failure all the more obvious), but I see companies use this same plan-and-execute approach for anything from minor product enhancements to major new features and products. With plan-and-execute we have to start by picking which ideas to invest in.

The decision usually involves some data, a customer request, what the leading competitor is doing, the latest trend in the market, but is mostly based on our own judgment. We rely on our experience and logic to form opinions, and on consensus and rank to arrive at decisions. Many companies repeat the plan-and-execute process at multiple nested levels: strategy, roadmap, product, and feature, creating what I call a Planning Waterfall.

Figure 1.1 Planning Waterfall

Human judgment is extremely powerful, but it can also be very flawed. While for most day-to-day decisions experience, logic, and consensus are perfectly adequate, psychologists have found that we struggle with questions that entail complexity, uncertainty, and too little or too much information (The book Thinking Fast and Slow by Nobel-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman explains this phenomenon in detail).

For example, when we debate a question like “which of these 12 ideas is the most likely to achieve the goal?” we have to consider the users, the market, the product, the technology, as well as the internal dynamics of our company. These are all complex things, full of moving parts, and in constant change. Many ideas, including ones that seem like sure bets, will fail to make an impact, or produce unexpected side effects. Our brains, powerful as they are, are simply not able to compute all the probabilities and arrive at a correct decision.

But instead of telling us “I don’t know” our brains use a trick: they fall back to cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, risk aversion, the sunk cost fallacy, and hundreds more (For a full list of cognitive biases see

Our cognitive biases can not only lead us to the wrong decision, but they can also make us feel overly confident in this decision (and perhaps make us believe it’s the only one possible). Debating ideas in groups or committees doesn’t fix the problem, as groups introduce their own biases such as groupthink and politics.

Trusting experienced and senior people to choose has been shown time and again to be unreliable (the leadership team of Google had some of the smartest, most successful executives in the industry). The result is plans that are full of questionable decisions and bad ideas.

All of this may sound overly pessimistic to you. Product companies are obviously capable of making good decisions; the results are all around us. But, that may just be survivorship bias. We see the successes, but below the surface there’s an awful lot of hidden failure.

If you analyze usage in your product you’re likely to see that most features get little or no traction with users (a 2019 research conducted by suggests that 80% of features are rarely or never used). You can remove them today and almost no one will notice. Product portfolios have a similar power law: a few products generate all the traction and revenue, while others contribute very little.

Research of thousands of A/B experiments across multiple companies shows that at most one in three product ideas show measurable improvement, (Kohavi, Ron, Diane Tang, and Ya Xu. 2020. ​Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments: A Practical Guide to A/B Testing. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1) and the average in the industry may be far lower. If these numbers are true for you, then the majority of what’s currently in your roadmap and product backlog isn’t worth doing; it will just create waste at high cost.

Evidence-Guided Development

Some companies seem to defy the odds and produce hit after hit over the course of years and decades. Google is one of those companies. For me that was a key reason to join; frustrated with my own track record of success I wanted to understand what made Google different. What I discovered was that Google didn’t find a way to predict the future, but rather created a system that acknowledged uncertainty and worked to improve the ratio of success versus failure.

With Google+ Google obviously used a different playbook (perhaps because of the existential threat that Facebook presented), but historically the company always started with customer-focused goals (internal principle: Start with the user and all else will follow); it was willing to try out many ideas to address these goals (Let a thousand flowers bloom), and wasn’t shy about testing minimal, unpolished products with users (Think big, but start small).

Perhaps most important, Google expected its product teams to act on the results, even if that meant pivoting or shutting down the project (Fail fast). Underlying all of this was a strong emphasis on data, both quantitative and qualitative.

Google is not unique in this approach. One of Amazon’s principles is “We go where the data leads us.” Airbnb, Netflix, Microsoft, Slack,, Facebook/Meta, Apple, and many successful but lesser-known companies, all have their own variation of this same theme. The processes these companies employ are very different, but they have one thing in common: they supercharge human judgment with evidence.

Evidence is facts and information that confirm or refute our assumptions and theories (different from data, which is simply facts and information, but not necessarily with any meaning). Using evidence helps us break away from our internal perceptions and biases. It forces us to confront reality and to update our picture of the world.

For this reason evidence is a foundational element of science, medicine, and law; disciplines where it’s recognized that decisions should not be made solely on the basis of human judgment. Evidence-guided development attempts to bring these same concepts to the creation of products. It’s a key part of all modern development methodologies including Lean Startup, Design Thinking, Product Discovery, and Growth.

The GIST Model

While at Google I had a chance to experience evidence-guided development firsthand (a full example is coming shortly). It was a real revelation, a completely different way to develop products. In 2017, I left Google and started consulting product organizations, eager to share what I learned. But, I then realized there was yet a bigger problem.

Most of the people I talked with already knew the concepts, but few were able to implement them in their companies. Evidence-guided development goes against the grain of long-held “best practices” and requires rethinking company power dynamics. It’s hard to get managers and stakeholders to give up on release roadmaps, and it’s equally hard to convince product teams that their job is to discover as well as deliver.

At Google I observed that it’s useful to break evidence-guided development into four areas of change: goal-setting, idea selection, experimentation, and execution. To make it easier for my clients to tackle these changes one at a time I created a four-layer model I called GIST: Goals, Ideas, Steps, and Tasks.

Figure 1.2: GIST model

Figure 1.2: An example of the GIST model at work. The team is considering a total of seven ideas across two goals. It is using steps to develop and test the ideas, and each step breaks into tasks. Some ideas fail during testing (marked with x in the diagram) and are dropped, making room for work on other ideas.

Goals define the outcomes we wish to achieve, measurable benefits for customers and for the business. Ideas are hypothetical ways to achieve the goals. The key word here is hypothetical. As most ideas don’t work, we have to test multiple ideas and invest only in those that yield supporting evidence. That’s the job of steps: short projects or activities that develop an idea somewhat (often with no coding) and test it.

A step may be as simple as creating a model on paper, or as complex as a beta launch. Tasks are the work items that go into doing the work, the things we manage using Scrum, Kanban, or other methods. GIST doesn’t dictate how you manage tasks, but it strives to connect the work to steps, ideas, and goals, allowing the team to work with full context and deep focus on the customers and the business. The GIST framework applies to small, medium, and large product ideas. It can be used in a ten-person startup as well as in a 10,000-person enterprise.

GIST is not a radically new concept. I consider it a meta-framework that combines tried-and-tested product methodologies with models and tools I created along the way. Still, when I started sharing GIST the reaction from the product community and from my clients was overwhelmingly positive.

There seemed to be a strong need for a practical framework that “puts it all together.” Many people were willing to give GIST a go, and the information they shared helped me iterate, improve, and create the framework described in this book. Still, it’s important not to consider GIST a fixed process. It’s a model that helps bring evidence-guided thinking into your development, but you should test it and adapt it to your context.

To make things less theoretical, let me tell you about the first project in which I experienced the power of evidence-guided development, my proto-GIST project at Gmail.

The Tabbed Inbox

In late 2011, not long after we shipped the first wave of Google+ integrations, I had an idea. I noticed that my personal inbox (Gmail, of course) was full of promotions, social updates, and notifications that I didn’t care to read, but had too little time or motivation to delete. In Gmail, we called this situation inbox clutter.

Wouldn’t it be cool, I thought, if Gmail just magically organized my inbox, without me having to do any work? I imagined the non-important email showing as a digest in a side panel: “You also received 5 promotions, 12 social messages, and 3 receipts.” Users would be able to click on the digest and read these less important messages when the mood strikes them.

As is often the case, I fell in love with my own idea and immediately wanted to push it forward for funding, planning, and execution. But, my managers and colleagues were not convinced, and they had their reasons. It wasn’t clear that inbox clutter was indeed a widespread and severe problem among casual users who on average received very little mail.

Gmail already had multiple features to help manage your inbox, but none got a lot of usage. Worse, my idea to push low-priority mail to the side could easily confuse and annoy the users who were used to having their inbox work in a certain way ever since Gmail launched in 2004.

My colleagues and managers were pushing back on my idea, but implicitly they were asking me some very Googly questions: What are you trying to achieve? Who is this for? What would be considered a success? In other words, what is the goal?

At that time Gmail had a product-wide goal to become more relevant and engaging in a world increasingly dominated by social networks and instant messaging. I argued that solving inbox clutter is how we, the Gmail Inbox team, could contribute to this broader goal. My team, skeptical as it was, was willing to explore.

We started with research to understand inbox clutter better. One of our backend developers ran a large data analysis to see how consumer users process their inboxes. The data he brought back took us by surprise. A huge portion of Gmail’s users did not manage their inbox in any way. They just went through their emails and read selected messages, otherwise leaving everything they received untouched.

What does such an inbox look like? We got the answer when we interviewed casual Gmail users and asked them to show us their inboxes. We realized that average statistics didn’t tell the whole story.

With the proliferation of social networks and eCommerce, these people got substantial amounts of promotion, social notifications, and transactional emails. Some had tens of thousands of unread messages in their inbox. They had to work hard to spot important new messages, and even harder to get back to those messages later. Inbox clutter was a much bigger problem than we thought.


Armed with this information, we were able to formulate an objective: help casual users interact only with the messages they want to interact with. This entailed a few success metrics: being able to accurately predict which messages users wish to read; ensuring that they would never miss out on an important message, and most importantly, high levels of user engagement and satisfaction with the new experience as measured by usage, retention, and surveys. This goal served us in the months to come: we knew who we were focusing on and what success looks like.

Now it was time to discuss ideas. We had a few: teaching users how to clean their inbox themselves, grouping or reordering inbox messages in various ways, and creating digests of the least important messages (my initial idea). Each idea had its pros and cons, and different people had their favorite. However, debating the ideas didn’t lead to any useful conclusion. We knew we had to test, and we had to start with the riskiest part: the user experience.

So we brought people into our usability lab to test some of these ideas. In one of those tests, we asked 12 participants to use Gmail, but with a difference, the inbox was split into tabs. The main tab contained mail from friends and family, but there were other tabs for social notifications, promotions, and transactions. When opening each tab, the participants found their very own messages, taken from their inbox, sorted into the right place. As if by magic, Gmail organized their inbox by mail category.

This part of the study was a complete sham of course. The thing the participants saw wasn’t Gmail, but a thin facade of HTML that our user experience designers cooked up. You could do little with it except look at your inbox and click into the tabs. Message categorization was another bit of sleight of hand.

With the participants’ permission, and while they were being interviewed, a few of us sat in a separate room and copied the first 50 messages from their inbox, sender and subject only, into the appropriate tab, based on our own best guesses. It was a bit of a race against time, but it worked. The participants experienced the Tabbed Inbox (almost) as if it was a real thing.

The results? All the participants immediately understood what was going on and could explain why the messages were placed where they were. Using the tabs was natural and easy. Best of all, 10 of the 12 participants absolutely loved this new inbox. In fact, many of them asked how soon they could have it. The smiles on their faces told a clear story, this was something they needed, but never knew they could have.

The other two participants already had their inbox under control using other Gmail functions, so they didn’t find the new inbox appealing. Interestingly this same ratio of 10–15 percent of people who already managed their personal inboxes well and thought that the Tabbed Inbox was unnecessary, repeated throughout our research over the next 14 months. Unfortunately, this minority included many of my colleagues at Gmail, and as we discovered later, most of the tech press.

Given these strong results we decided to double-down on the Tabbed Inbox idea and leave other ideas as fallbacks. Still, we didn’t go all-in. Our initial research gave us sufficient evidence just to fund a small project, a rudimentary, functioning version of the inbox with a bare-bones user interface and simplistic classification. We used this early version to self-test on our own personal inboxes (in Gmail this is called Fishfood, team testing).

I remember having to convince my team members to stop diligently organizing their inboxes and to let email pile up, just like ordinary users. It was an adjustment for some, but we quickly realized that even with this basic version of the inbox, the experience was quite transformative.

Throughout the project, we kept progressing in stepwise increments, build a more-evolved version of the inbox, then test it. Along the way, we enlisted the help of thousands of Googlers who valiantly agreed to use an interim version of the inbox in their own personal accounts (this process is commonly called Dogfooding).

We exposed our evolving email classification system to a small subset of Gmail users through a lab (an optional feature you can enable in Settings) where they could report classification mistakes. This gave us much-needed data to improve our algorithms. We continued to perform regular external user studies as well, some involving hundreds of participants using the new inbox over periods of weeks.

The project definitely didn’t go according to any plan. We had to redesign the user interface multiple times, and getting the classification right required assembling a small team of data and machine-learning specialists.

We also learned that launching the new inbox on the desktop version of Gmail first, per the plan, was not enough, inbox clutter was an even bigger problem on mobile where it was causing excessive notifications. So we expanded the project to include the Android and iOS Gmail apps. I didn’t have to pitch very hard to get these other teams to join the project; the evidence we collected did the talking for me.

The new inbox was launched in May 2013 to generally lukewarm reviews from the tech press, but we didn’t really care. By then, we had tested the new feature with thousands of users and were fairly certain we had found a winner. Still, the testing continued. We gradually switched more and more accounts into the new experience (programatically skipping those 10–15 percent who looked like they had things under control) and tracked their behavior, satisfaction levels, and classification error rates.

The rollout was uneventful, with very little backlash and tons of positive feedback. People loved the fact that social and marketing emails no longer competed with emails from friends and family, and never buzzed their phones. It was easy to switch off the new feature, but few users did, and our data confirmed they were using the inbox as we expected.

The Tabbed Inbox won a number of innovation awards inside Google, and was generally recognized as one of the most important improvements to the product. It was a fun project to work on, and, more importantly, one that created high impact. Today, the Tabbed Inbox is the first thing the majority of Gmail’s users see, and we have strong evidence to show it’s giving them lots of value.

The Elements of GIST

The story of the Tabbed Inbox brings together many of the elements of the GIST model. Let’s look at it again from the perspective of goals, ideas, steps, and tasks.


I tried to kick off the project around an idea. Had I succeeded, the implicit goal would have been “let’s launch Itamar’s new inbox,” which would have been great for my ego, but not so much for the end results. Such goals, often called output goals, are very common in the industry and very harmful. When most ideas yield little or no value, betting on an unproven idea is likely to produce waste.

Luckily, in this case, I was forced to backtrack and form an outcome goal centered on measurably improving the inbox experience of casual Gmail users. This goal helped focus us on the destination rather than on the way.

In Chapter 2, Goals, I’ll show you how to lead your area of responsibility, whether it’s a company, business unit, group, or team, with a concise set of outcome goals. We will see how to pick goals using the North Star Metric and metrics trees and express them in the popular format of Objectives and Key Results (OKR). Then we’ll talk about how leaders can steer without deciding what to work on, and how to tackle the tough challenge of aligning the goals top-down, bottom-up, and across the organization.


Once we, the Gmail Inbox team, had a goal in place, we were ready to discuss ideas. But, instead of trying to pick the winning idea through brainstorms, debate, and reviews, we did three common-sense things that are not at all common: 1) we based our ideas on research rather than opinions, 2) we evaluated which ideas seem most promising given the data we had, and 3) we went on to test multiple ideas.

This process is at the heart of GIST. In Chapter 3, Ideas, I’ll show you how to collect ideas in idea banks, and how to evaluate and compare them in a fast, objective, and unbiased way. A key component of this evaluation is Confidence, which measures the strength of the evidence in support of an idea.

I’ll teach you how to use the Confidence Meter (see Figure 1.3), a tool I created specifically for this purpose and that today is used by numerous companies, including Google. We’ll see how to cut prioritization debates short and how to leave politics and pressure tactics out of the discussion.

Figure 1.3: The Confidence Meter

What about Opportunities?

Many people find it helpful to connect ideas to what is now known as opportunities (formerly called customer problems, or underserved user needs). If that describes your approach, you can certainly use it with GIST.

If you uncover an important user need you can turn addressing it into a goal (as we did for Inbox Clutter in the Tabbed Inbox project) or you can use it as a filter for the type of ideas you’d like to pursue. You can also keep a list or a tree (as described by Teresa Torres in her book Continuous Discovery Habits) of opportunities alongside the artifacts of GIST.

In Chapter 6 we will talk about strategic opportunities, which is a related but different concept to do with strategy formation.


In the Tabbed Inbox project we were lucky to land on a strong idea relatively early in our product discovery. But, many initially promising ideas turn out to be duds, and even the good ones need iteration and refinement. For this reason we built the Tabbed Inbox through a series of build-measure-learn loops, which are called Steps in GIST. There were usability tests, longitudinal studies, fishfood and dogfood, labs, and partial launches.

Each step generated a more complete version of the product, but also gave us new evidence, which helped build our confidence in the idea and get more funding. We used what we learned in each step to course-correct and improve the idea. The feature we eventually launched was profoundly better than the one we started with.

Many product organizations I meet are familiar with this important concept, which Product Management guru Marty Cagan has aptly named, Product Discovery, but struggle to implement it, they build too much and test too little; even when they do test they fail to learn and take meaningful action.

In Chapter 4, Steps, I’ll walk you through a full example of how to take a high-potential idea, and get it through a series of steps to a clear Yes/No decision that no person, no matter how opinionated, will dispute. This process isn’t meant just for big ideas; cheap ideas entail risks too and should similarly be validated, although faster and with fewer steps. In Chapter 4, we will review the wide gamut of validation techniques at our disposal, from data analysis through smoke tests to A/B experiments, and how to combine them into a development project.


You might have noticed in my story how involved my product team was in shaping the product. That is a norm in many good product companies, but not a very common practice in the industry. There’s a double problem: the managers don’t trust the team to make good decisions, and team members are increasingly focused on delivery and seem disinterested in business and user goals. Even in companies where these are not major issues, teams struggle to reconcile product discovery with their agile development practices.

Working with strong people is one of the benefits of joining Google, but that’s not the only reason my team was so engaged. Google was able to create an environment that allowed rank-and-file employees to be in the know, to contribute, and to make decisions. In Chapter 5, Tasks, we’ll talk about how to do the same with your team, by involving them in all four layers of the GIST stack, and by having them own discovery as well as delivery. I’ll also share a tool, the GIST board, to help jointly manage the work of the team across goals, ideas, and steps.

Driving the Change

There’s nothing particularly revolutionary about GIST, and it’s not the only evidence-guided model out there. Many good product companies have been working in similar ways for years, although they probably don’t call what they do GIST.

Still, I see far more companies that try to incorporate evidence into their work but get stuck halfway between the old model and the new. These companies adopt new processes, but get few benefits. Part of the problem is overcoming entrenched mindsets and practices. In order to move forward you need to change the way your managers, stakeholders, and team think and behave.

The second half of the book is devoted to helping you adopt evidence-guided development in your organization. In Chapter 6, The Evidence-Guided Company, we’ll see how evidence-guided thinking can be deployed across an entire company, and what role managers, stakeholders, and product teams play in this brave new world.

We’ll also talk about the often-sticky topics of product strategy, big projects, cross-team dependencies, and roadmaps. In Chapter 7, Scaling GIST, I’ll show you how evidence-guided development works in startups, in midsize companies, and in enterprises. Chapter 8, GIST Patterns, talks about GIST in common types of products and business models: B2B, B2C, physical products, marketplaces, and internal platforms and services. Chapter 9, Adopting GIST, discusses ways to smooth the adoption curve and to deal with common objections.

How big of a transformation you’re facing depends on where you are today. GIST may not work in a very traditional organization where decisions strictly flow top-down, and where the function of the product org is merely “delivery.” However, if your company isn’t that extreme (most aren’t) there’s a good chance you can adopt GIST, and it’s even likely that your colleagues will be in support.

I regularly teach GIST to product leads, engineers, executives, and business folk, and once the model is clear, the response is almost always “we need this” and “let’s do it!”

At the end of the day, meaningful change is never easy or comfortable; it takes visionary, motivated, and persistent people to push it forward. If you’re a product manager tired of building things that nobody needs, a manager frustrated with the rate of innovation in your organization, or an engineer or designer that feels that most of what you create is a waste, GIST was created to help you drive the change in your own organization. It’s not going to be an overnight switch, but I can guarantee you that it’ll be a worthwhile journey.

Let’s get started.


● The classic approach of plan-and-execute forces us to commit to a plan while facing high levels of uncertainty.

● Our brains and our decision processes are not well suited to making decisions when confronted with uncertainty. We rely on opinions, sparse data, consensus, and rank, backed by cognitive biases, group dynamics, and politics.

● The track record of success in the industry is abysmal. Research indicates that only a minority of ideas create measurable impact, and a high ratio of launched features and products get little or no use.

● Evidence-guided companies improve the odds of success by supercharging human judgment with evidence. They continuously evaluate and test ideas and update the plans based on what they learn.

● The principles of guiding our decisions by evidence are not new, but they are hard for companies to adopt as they go against traditional best practices and corporate power dynamics.

● I created the GIST model, Goals, Ideas, Steps, Tasks, to help break the change into four distinct areas: goal-setting, idea evaluation, experimentation, and execution.

● The Tabbed Inbox story, while not perfect (no project is), is an example of the GIST model in action. Starting with user/business-centered goals. Considering multiple ideas, iterating by running the ideas through various steps, each producing a more complete version of the feature and more supporting evidence. Optimizing the work for both discovery and delivery.

● The first chapters of the book are devoted to explaining the GIST model in detail. Chapter 6 covers a full-company example. Chapters 7 and 8 describe how to adapt the model to the size and type of company you work in. And Chapter 9 explains how to tackle objections, and smooth the adoption curve.

This is an excerpt from the book. Available on Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo and other platforms. For details see:

Copyright © 2023 by Itamar Gilad

wrapping up

This chapter explored the lessons learned from the failed integration of Gmail with Google+, a project that aimed to create a unified social experience for Google users.

It shares how to apply the principles and practices of evidence-guided product development, such as: - Defining and communicating a clear and compelling vision - Aligning the product strategy with the company’s strategy and values - Balancing innovation and iteration - Using evidence and data to validate assumptions and decisions - Avoiding common pitfalls and biases.

These lessons are relevant for any product that operates in a dynamic and competitive market, such as forex and CFDs brokers. By following these guidelines, forex and CFDs brokers can create high-impact products that solve real problems for real users, and avoid wasting time and money on features and projects that don’t deliver value or meet the goals.

We are happy to share this excerpt from 'Evidence-Guided: Creating High-Impact Products in the Face of Uncertainty,' a book that provides invaluable insights into the world of product management and development.

This chapter is particularly relevant to the forex and crypto industry, as it offers a deep dive into the challenges faced by one of the tech giants, Google, in its quest to innovate and stay ahead in a rapidly changing market. The experiences shared in this chapter resonate with the volatile and dynamic nature of the forex and crypto markets, where evidence-based decision-making is crucial.

By exploring the integration of Gmail with Google+, the chapter sheds light on the importance of adapting to market trends, understanding customer needs, and avoiding common cognitive biases in product development. We believe this excerpt will provide valuable lessons and strategies that can be applied to navigate the complexities of our industry.

Itamar Gilad
Itamar Gilad

Itamar Gilad is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and coach. He held senior product management and engineering roles for two decades at Google, Microsoft, and a number of startups. Since 2017, Itamar has been teaching and coaching evidence-guided product development to hundreds of companies and thousands of product people. He is the creator of the GIST model, the Confidence Meter, and other widely-used frameworks and tools. Itamar is a regular speaker at industry events, and he publishes a popular product management newsletter.

The Treat of Facebook

It was August 2011, and I had just joined Gmail as a product manager. As I reported for duty on my first day, my head was buzzing with ideas for how I might make my mark on Google’s flagship email service, and, who knows, maybe even reinvent email. But, of course, it was not to be. Google had plans of its own for Gmail, and there was already a big, strategic project waiting for me.

You’ve probably heard of Google+. Maybe you even used it at one point. In the early 2010s, with the threat of Facebook looming over its advertising business, Google decided to go all-in on Social. Google+ wasn’t just a new social network, built from the ground up with all the bells and whistles, it was an entirely new division within Google and the cornerstone of its strategy.

Bradley Horowitz, the Vice President of products for Google+, explained this strategy in a 2011 interview: “Google+ is Google itself. We’re extending it across all that we do—search, ads, Chrome, Android, Maps, YouTube—so that each of those services contributes to our understanding of who you are.” (“Inside Google Plus | WIRED.” Sep. 27, 2011, Accessed Aug. 21, 2020).

And that’s where we, Gmail, came in. Our mission was to connect Gmail and Google+ and make them feel as a part of one whole. This seemed like a reasonable and important thing to do. Social networks were growing at a pace never seen before, and people were spending hours each day using them. Early Google+ was growing fast too.

By October 2011, just months after its launch, it already had 40 million users. Three months later, it officially had 90 million. These were small numbers compared to Facebook’s 800 million active users, but it was a promising start that made us quietly optimistic.

So, off we went. We brainstormed, designed, and built features that brought elements of Google+ into Gmail: you could share photos from Gmail to Google+, see the latest posts from your friends in a side panel next to your inbox, and filter messages by Circles (Google+ friend groups). These were not necessarily cheap or easy projects to pull off. Some carried on until late 2013. Other product ideas were put on hold to allow the Google+ projects to jump to the head of the queue.

This story ends in a sadly familiar way. A small group of enthusiasts adopted the Google+ features in Gmail and loved them, but most other users just disregarded our hard work, and some clearly disliked the mix of social and personal. We persevered and continued to launch according to plan, but the results we hoped for never came. Eventually, after years of low usage, we discontinued all the Google+ features. Today, you won’t find them in Gmail.

Google+ itself didn’t fare much better. While user numbers grew strongly on paper, only a small subset of users remained truly active and engaged. It seemed that most people just didn’t need another social network. The Google+ team iterated and launched new features and redesigns at a fast pace, but to no avail.

Google+ didn’t become an important part of most Google users’ lives, Facebook continued to grow as before, as did Google’s ad business. Eventually, after years of hard work, it became clear that Google’s social strategy had failed and the project lost momentum. Parts of Google+ were spun off into separate products, and the core social network was shut down in 2019.

But, the bad news didn’t end there. With the benefit of hindsight we now know that by placing all its bets on Google+, Google had missed a much larger opportunity presented by social mobile apps, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat. These apps eventually became the threat to Facebook that Google+ aspired to be, and they did it at a fraction of the cost and effort.


Opinion-Based Development

With Google+, Google followed a classic product development pattern, we picked a promising idea, turned it into a plan, then switched to execution. Google+ was a big, strategic idea (which made its failure all the more obvious), but I see companies use this same plan-and-execute approach for anything from minor product enhancements to major new features and products. With plan-and-execute we have to start by picking which ideas to invest in.

The decision usually involves some data, a customer request, what the leading competitor is doing, the latest trend in the market, but is mostly based on our own judgment. We rely on our experience and logic to form opinions, and on consensus and rank to arrive at decisions. Many companies repeat the plan-and-execute process at multiple nested levels: strategy, roadmap, product, and feature, creating what I call a Planning Waterfall.

Figure 1.1 Planning Waterfall

Human judgment is extremely powerful, but it can also be very flawed. While for most day-to-day decisions experience, logic, and consensus are perfectly adequate, psychologists have found that we struggle with questions that entail complexity, uncertainty, and too little or too much information (The book Thinking Fast and Slow by Nobel-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman explains this phenomenon in detail).

For example, when we debate a question like “which of these 12 ideas is the most likely to achieve the goal?” we have to consider the users, the market, the product, the technology, as well as the internal dynamics of our company. These are all complex things, full of moving parts, and in constant change. Many ideas, including ones that seem like sure bets, will fail to make an impact, or produce unexpected side effects. Our brains, powerful as they are, are simply not able to compute all the probabilities and arrive at a correct decision.

But instead of telling us “I don’t know” our brains use a trick: they fall back to cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, risk aversion, the sunk cost fallacy, and hundreds more (For a full list of cognitive biases see

Our cognitive biases can not only lead us to the wrong decision, but they can also make us feel overly confident in this decision (and perhaps make us believe it’s the only one possible). Debating ideas in groups or committees doesn’t fix the problem, as groups introduce their own biases such as groupthink and politics.

Trusting experienced and senior people to choose has been shown time and again to be unreliable (the leadership team of Google had some of the smartest, most successful executives in the industry). The result is plans that are full of questionable decisions and bad ideas.

All of this may sound overly pessimistic to you. Product companies are obviously capable of making good decisions; the results are all around us. But, that may just be survivorship bias. We see the successes, but below the surface there’s an awful lot of hidden failure.

If you analyze usage in your product you’re likely to see that most features get little or no traction with users (a 2019 research conducted by suggests that 80% of features are rarely or never used). You can remove them today and almost no one will notice. Product portfolios have a similar power law: a few products generate all the traction and revenue, while others contribute very little.

Research of thousands of A/B experiments across multiple companies shows that at most one in three product ideas show measurable improvement, (Kohavi, Ron, Diane Tang, and Ya Xu. 2020. ​Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments: A Practical Guide to A/B Testing. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 1) and the average in the industry may be far lower. If these numbers are true for you, then the majority of what’s currently in your roadmap and product backlog isn’t worth doing; it will just create waste at high cost.

Evidence-Guided Development

Some companies seem to defy the odds and produce hit after hit over the course of years and decades. Google is one of those companies. For me that was a key reason to join; frustrated with my own track record of success I wanted to understand what made Google different. What I discovered was that Google didn’t find a way to predict the future, but rather created a system that acknowledged uncertainty and worked to improve the ratio of success versus failure.

With Google+ Google obviously used a different playbook (perhaps because of the existential threat that Facebook presented), but historically the company always started with customer-focused goals (internal principle: Start with the user and all else will follow); it was willing to try out many ideas to address these goals (Let a thousand flowers bloom), and wasn’t shy about testing minimal, unpolished products with users (Think big, but start small).

Perhaps most important, Google expected its product teams to act on the results, even if that meant pivoting or shutting down the project (Fail fast). Underlying all of this was a strong emphasis on data, both quantitative and qualitative.

Google is not unique in this approach. One of Amazon’s principles is “We go where the data leads us.” Airbnb, Netflix, Microsoft, Slack,, Facebook/Meta, Apple, and many successful but lesser-known companies, all have their own variation of this same theme. The processes these companies employ are very different, but they have one thing in common: they supercharge human judgment with evidence.

Evidence is facts and information that confirm or refute our assumptions and theories (different from data, which is simply facts and information, but not necessarily with any meaning). Using evidence helps us break away from our internal perceptions and biases. It forces us to confront reality and to update our picture of the world.

For this reason evidence is a foundational element of science, medicine, and law; disciplines where it’s recognized that decisions should not be made solely on the basis of human judgment. Evidence-guided development attempts to bring these same concepts to the creation of products. It’s a key part of all modern development methodologies including Lean Startup, Design Thinking, Product Discovery, and Growth.

The GIST Model

While at Google I had a chance to experience evidence-guided development firsthand (a full example is coming shortly). It was a real revelation, a completely different way to develop products. In 2017, I left Google and started consulting product organizations, eager to share what I learned. But, I then realized there was yet a bigger problem.

Most of the people I talked with already knew the concepts, but few were able to implement them in their companies. Evidence-guided development goes against the grain of long-held “best practices” and requires rethinking company power dynamics. It’s hard to get managers and stakeholders to give up on release roadmaps, and it’s equally hard to convince product teams that their job is to discover as well as deliver.

At Google I observed that it’s useful to break evidence-guided development into four areas of change: goal-setting, idea selection, experimentation, and execution. To make it easier for my clients to tackle these changes one at a time I created a four-layer model I called GIST: Goals, Ideas, Steps, and Tasks.

Figure 1.2: GIST model

Figure 1.2: An example of the GIST model at work. The team is considering a total of seven ideas across two goals. It is using steps to develop and test the ideas, and each step breaks into tasks. Some ideas fail during testing (marked with x in the diagram) and are dropped, making room for work on other ideas.

Goals define the outcomes we wish to achieve, measurable benefits for customers and for the business. Ideas are hypothetical ways to achieve the goals. The key word here is hypothetical. As most ideas don’t work, we have to test multiple ideas and invest only in those that yield supporting evidence. That’s the job of steps: short projects or activities that develop an idea somewhat (often with no coding) and test it.

A step may be as simple as creating a model on paper, or as complex as a beta launch. Tasks are the work items that go into doing the work, the things we manage using Scrum, Kanban, or other methods. GIST doesn’t dictate how you manage tasks, but it strives to connect the work to steps, ideas, and goals, allowing the team to work with full context and deep focus on the customers and the business. The GIST framework applies to small, medium, and large product ideas. It can be used in a ten-person startup as well as in a 10,000-person enterprise.

GIST is not a radically new concept. I consider it a meta-framework that combines tried-and-tested product methodologies with models and tools I created along the way. Still, when I started sharing GIST the reaction from the product community and from my clients was overwhelmingly positive.

There seemed to be a strong need for a practical framework that “puts it all together.” Many people were willing to give GIST a go, and the information they shared helped me iterate, improve, and create the framework described in this book. Still, it’s important not to consider GIST a fixed process. It’s a model that helps bring evidence-guided thinking into your development, but you should test it and adapt it to your context.

To make things less theoretical, let me tell you about the first project in which I experienced the power of evidence-guided development, my proto-GIST project at Gmail.

The Tabbed Inbox

In late 2011, not long after we shipped the first wave of Google+ integrations, I had an idea. I noticed that my personal inbox (Gmail, of course) was full of promotions, social updates, and notifications that I didn’t care to read, but had too little time or motivation to delete. In Gmail, we called this situation inbox clutter.

Wouldn’t it be cool, I thought, if Gmail just magically organized my inbox, without me having to do any work? I imagined the non-important email showing as a digest in a side panel: “You also received 5 promotions, 12 social messages, and 3 receipts.” Users would be able to click on the digest and read these less important messages when the mood strikes them.

As is often the case, I fell in love with my own idea and immediately wanted to push it forward for funding, planning, and execution. But, my managers and colleagues were not convinced, and they had their reasons. It wasn’t clear that inbox clutter was indeed a widespread and severe problem among casual users who on average received very little mail.

Gmail already had multiple features to help manage your inbox, but none got a lot of usage. Worse, my idea to push low-priority mail to the side could easily confuse and annoy the users who were used to having their inbox work in a certain way ever since Gmail launched in 2004.

My colleagues and managers were pushing back on my idea, but implicitly they were asking me some very Googly questions: What are you trying to achieve? Who is this for? What would be considered a success? In other words, what is the goal?

At that time Gmail had a product-wide goal to become more relevant and engaging in a world increasingly dominated by social networks and instant messaging. I argued that solving inbox clutter is how we, the Gmail Inbox team, could contribute to this broader goal. My team, skeptical as it was, was willing to explore.

We started with research to understand inbox clutter better. One of our backend developers ran a large data analysis to see how consumer users process their inboxes. The data he brought back took us by surprise. A huge portion of Gmail’s users did not manage their inbox in any way. They just went through their emails and read selected messages, otherwise leaving everything they received untouched.

What does such an inbox look like? We got the answer when we interviewed casual Gmail users and asked them to show us their inboxes. We realized that average statistics didn’t tell the whole story.

With the proliferation of social networks and eCommerce, these people got substantial amounts of promotion, social notifications, and transactional emails. Some had tens of thousands of unread messages in their inbox. They had to work hard to spot important new messages, and even harder to get back to those messages later. Inbox clutter was a much bigger problem than we thought.


Armed with this information, we were able to formulate an objective: help casual users interact only with the messages they want to interact with. This entailed a few success metrics: being able to accurately predict which messages users wish to read; ensuring that they would never miss out on an important message, and most importantly, high levels of user engagement and satisfaction with the new experience as measured by usage, retention, and surveys. This goal served us in the months to come: we knew who we were focusing on and what success looks like.

Now it was time to discuss ideas. We had a few: teaching users how to clean their inbox themselves, grouping or reordering inbox messages in various ways, and creating digests of the least important messages (my initial idea). Each idea had its pros and cons, and different people had their favorite. However, debating the ideas didn’t lead to any useful conclusion. We knew we had to test, and we had to start with the riskiest part: the user experience.

So we brought people into our usability lab to test some of these ideas. In one of those tests, we asked 12 participants to use Gmail, but with a difference, the inbox was split into tabs. The main tab contained mail from friends and family, but there were other tabs for social notifications, promotions, and transactions. When opening each tab, the participants found their very own messages, taken from their inbox, sorted into the right place. As if by magic, Gmail organized their inbox by mail category.

This part of the study was a complete sham of course. The thing the participants saw wasn’t Gmail, but a thin facade of HTML that our user experience designers cooked up. You could do little with it except look at your inbox and click into the tabs. Message categorization was another bit of sleight of hand.

With the participants’ permission, and while they were being interviewed, a few of us sat in a separate room and copied the first 50 messages from their inbox, sender and subject only, into the appropriate tab, based on our own best guesses. It was a bit of a race against time, but it worked. The participants experienced the Tabbed Inbox (almost) as if it was a real thing.

The results? All the participants immediately understood what was going on and could explain why the messages were placed where they were. Using the tabs was natural and easy. Best of all, 10 of the 12 participants absolutely loved this new inbox. In fact, many of them asked how soon they could have it. The smiles on their faces told a clear story, this was something they needed, but never knew they could have.

The other two participants already had their inbox under control using other Gmail functions, so they didn’t find the new inbox appealing. Interestingly this same ratio of 10–15 percent of people who already managed their personal inboxes well and thought that the Tabbed Inbox was unnecessary, repeated throughout our research over the next 14 months. Unfortunately, this minority included many of my colleagues at Gmail, and as we discovered later, most of the tech press.

Given these strong results we decided to double-down on the Tabbed Inbox idea and leave other ideas as fallbacks. Still, we didn’t go all-in. Our initial research gave us sufficient evidence just to fund a small project, a rudimentary, functioning version of the inbox with a bare-bones user interface and simplistic classification. We used this early version to self-test on our own personal inboxes (in Gmail this is called Fishfood, team testing).

I remember having to convince my team members to stop diligently organizing their inboxes and to let email pile up, just like ordinary users. It was an adjustment for some, but we quickly realized that even with this basic version of the inbox, the experience was quite transformative.

Throughout the project, we kept progressing in stepwise increments, build a more-evolved version of the inbox, then test it. Along the way, we enlisted the help of thousands of Googlers who valiantly agreed to use an interim version of the inbox in their own personal accounts (this process is commonly called Dogfooding).

We exposed our evolving email classification system to a small subset of Gmail users through a lab (an optional feature you can enable in Settings) where they could report classification mistakes. This gave us much-needed data to improve our algorithms. We continued to perform regular external user studies as well, some involving hundreds of participants using the new inbox over periods of weeks.

The project definitely didn’t go according to any plan. We had to redesign the user interface multiple times, and getting the classification right required assembling a small team of data and machine-learning specialists.

We also learned that launching the new inbox on the desktop version of Gmail first, per the plan, was not enough, inbox clutter was an even bigger problem on mobile where it was causing excessive notifications. So we expanded the project to include the Android and iOS Gmail apps. I didn’t have to pitch very hard to get these other teams to join the project; the evidence we collected did the talking for me.

The new inbox was launched in May 2013 to generally lukewarm reviews from the tech press, but we didn’t really care. By then, we had tested the new feature with thousands of users and were fairly certain we had found a winner. Still, the testing continued. We gradually switched more and more accounts into the new experience (programatically skipping those 10–15 percent who looked like they had things under control) and tracked their behavior, satisfaction levels, and classification error rates.

The rollout was uneventful, with very little backlash and tons of positive feedback. People loved the fact that social and marketing emails no longer competed with emails from friends and family, and never buzzed their phones. It was easy to switch off the new feature, but few users did, and our data confirmed they were using the inbox as we expected.

The Tabbed Inbox won a number of innovation awards inside Google, and was generally recognized as one of the most important improvements to the product. It was a fun project to work on, and, more importantly, one that created high impact. Today, the Tabbed Inbox is the first thing the majority of Gmail’s users see, and we have strong evidence to show it’s giving them lots of value.

The Elements of GIST

The story of the Tabbed Inbox brings together many of the elements of the GIST model. Let’s look at it again from the perspective of goals, ideas, steps, and tasks.


I tried to kick off the project around an idea. Had I succeeded, the implicit goal would have been “let’s launch Itamar’s new inbox,” which would have been great for my ego, but not so much for the end results. Such goals, often called output goals, are very common in the industry and very harmful. When most ideas yield little or no value, betting on an unproven idea is likely to produce waste.

Luckily, in this case, I was forced to backtrack and form an outcome goal centered on measurably improving the inbox experience of casual Gmail users. This goal helped focus us on the destination rather than on the way.

In Chapter 2, Goals, I’ll show you how to lead your area of responsibility, whether it’s a company, business unit, group, or team, with a concise set of outcome goals. We will see how to pick goals using the North Star Metric and metrics trees and express them in the popular format of Objectives and Key Results (OKR). Then we’ll talk about how leaders can steer without deciding what to work on, and how to tackle the tough challenge of aligning the goals top-down, bottom-up, and across the organization.


Once we, the Gmail Inbox team, had a goal in place, we were ready to discuss ideas. But, instead of trying to pick the winning idea through brainstorms, debate, and reviews, we did three common-sense things that are not at all common: 1) we based our ideas on research rather than opinions, 2) we evaluated which ideas seem most promising given the data we had, and 3) we went on to test multiple ideas.

This process is at the heart of GIST. In Chapter 3, Ideas, I’ll show you how to collect ideas in idea banks, and how to evaluate and compare them in a fast, objective, and unbiased way. A key component of this evaluation is Confidence, which measures the strength of the evidence in support of an idea.

I’ll teach you how to use the Confidence Meter (see Figure 1.3), a tool I created specifically for this purpose and that today is used by numerous companies, including Google. We’ll see how to cut prioritization debates short and how to leave politics and pressure tactics out of the discussion.

Figure 1.3: The Confidence Meter

What about Opportunities?

Many people find it helpful to connect ideas to what is now known as opportunities (formerly called customer problems, or underserved user needs). If that describes your approach, you can certainly use it with GIST.

If you uncover an important user need you can turn addressing it into a goal (as we did for Inbox Clutter in the Tabbed Inbox project) or you can use it as a filter for the type of ideas you’d like to pursue. You can also keep a list or a tree (as described by Teresa Torres in her book Continuous Discovery Habits) of opportunities alongside the artifacts of GIST.

In Chapter 6 we will talk about strategic opportunities, which is a related but different concept to do with strategy formation.


In the Tabbed Inbox project we were lucky to land on a strong idea relatively early in our product discovery. But, many initially promising ideas turn out to be duds, and even the good ones need iteration and refinement. For this reason we built the Tabbed Inbox through a series of build-measure-learn loops, which are called Steps in GIST. There were usability tests, longitudinal studies, fishfood and dogfood, labs, and partial launches.

Each step generated a more complete version of the product, but also gave us new evidence, which helped build our confidence in the idea and get more funding. We used what we learned in each step to course-correct and improve the idea. The feature we eventually launched was profoundly better than the one we started with.

Many product organizations I meet are familiar with this important concept, which Product Management guru Marty Cagan has aptly named, Product Discovery, but struggle to implement it, they build too much and test too little; even when they do test they fail to learn and take meaningful action.

In Chapter 4, Steps, I’ll walk you through a full example of how to take a high-potential idea, and get it through a series of steps to a clear Yes/No decision that no person, no matter how opinionated, will dispute. This process isn’t meant just for big ideas; cheap ideas entail risks too and should similarly be validated, although faster and with fewer steps. In Chapter 4, we will review the wide gamut of validation techniques at our disposal, from data analysis through smoke tests to A/B experiments, and how to combine them into a development project.


You might have noticed in my story how involved my product team was in shaping the product. That is a norm in many good product companies, but not a very common practice in the industry. There’s a double problem: the managers don’t trust the team to make good decisions, and team members are increasingly focused on delivery and seem disinterested in business and user goals. Even in companies where these are not major issues, teams struggle to reconcile product discovery with their agile development practices.

Working with strong people is one of the benefits of joining Google, but that’s not the only reason my team was so engaged. Google was able to create an environment that allowed rank-and-file employees to be in the know, to contribute, and to make decisions. In Chapter 5, Tasks, we’ll talk about how to do the same with your team, by involving them in all four layers of the GIST stack, and by having them own discovery as well as delivery. I’ll also share a tool, the GIST board, to help jointly manage the work of the team across goals, ideas, and steps.

Driving the Change

There’s nothing particularly revolutionary about GIST, and it’s not the only evidence-guided model out there. Many good product companies have been working in similar ways for years, although they probably don’t call what they do GIST.

Still, I see far more companies that try to incorporate evidence into their work but get stuck halfway between the old model and the new. These companies adopt new processes, but get few benefits. Part of the problem is overcoming entrenched mindsets and practices. In order to move forward you need to change the way your managers, stakeholders, and team think and behave.

The second half of the book is devoted to helping you adopt evidence-guided development in your organization. In Chapter 6, The Evidence-Guided Company, we’ll see how evidence-guided thinking can be deployed across an entire company, and what role managers, stakeholders, and product teams play in this brave new world.

We’ll also talk about the often-sticky topics of product strategy, big projects, cross-team dependencies, and roadmaps. In Chapter 7, Scaling GIST, I’ll show you how evidence-guided development works in startups, in midsize companies, and in enterprises. Chapter 8, GIST Patterns, talks about GIST in common types of products and business models: B2B, B2C, physical products, marketplaces, and internal platforms and services. Chapter 9, Adopting GIST, discusses ways to smooth the adoption curve and to deal with common objections.

How big of a transformation you’re facing depends on where you are today. GIST may not work in a very traditional organization where decisions strictly flow top-down, and where the function of the product org is merely “delivery.” However, if your company isn’t that extreme (most aren’t) there’s a good chance you can adopt GIST, and it’s even likely that your colleagues will be in support.

I regularly teach GIST to product leads, engineers, executives, and business folk, and once the model is clear, the response is almost always “we need this” and “let’s do it!”

At the end of the day, meaningful change is never easy or comfortable; it takes visionary, motivated, and persistent people to push it forward. If you’re a product manager tired of building things that nobody needs, a manager frustrated with the rate of innovation in your organization, or an engineer or designer that feels that most of what you create is a waste, GIST was created to help you drive the change in your own organization. It’s not going to be an overnight switch, but I can guarantee you that it’ll be a worthwhile journey.

Let’s get started.


● The classic approach of plan-and-execute forces us to commit to a plan while facing high levels of uncertainty.

● Our brains and our decision processes are not well suited to making decisions when confronted with uncertainty. We rely on opinions, sparse data, consensus, and rank, backed by cognitive biases, group dynamics, and politics.

● The track record of success in the industry is abysmal. Research indicates that only a minority of ideas create measurable impact, and a high ratio of launched features and products get little or no use.

● Evidence-guided companies improve the odds of success by supercharging human judgment with evidence. They continuously evaluate and test ideas and update the plans based on what they learn.

● The principles of guiding our decisions by evidence are not new, but they are hard for companies to adopt as they go against traditional best practices and corporate power dynamics.

● I created the GIST model, Goals, Ideas, Steps, Tasks, to help break the change into four distinct areas: goal-setting, idea evaluation, experimentation, and execution.

● The Tabbed Inbox story, while not perfect (no project is), is an example of the GIST model in action. Starting with user/business-centered goals. Considering multiple ideas, iterating by running the ideas through various steps, each producing a more complete version of the feature and more supporting evidence. Optimizing the work for both discovery and delivery.

● The first chapters of the book are devoted to explaining the GIST model in detail. Chapter 6 covers a full-company example. Chapters 7 and 8 describe how to adapt the model to the size and type of company you work in. And Chapter 9 explains how to tackle objections, and smooth the adoption curve.

This is an excerpt from the book. Available on Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo and other platforms. For details see:

Copyright © 2023 by Itamar Gilad

wrapping up

This chapter explored the lessons learned from the failed integration of Gmail with Google+, a project that aimed to create a unified social experience for Google users.

It shares how to apply the principles and practices of evidence-guided product development, such as: - Defining and communicating a clear and compelling vision - Aligning the product strategy with the company’s strategy and values - Balancing innovation and iteration - Using evidence and data to validate assumptions and decisions - Avoiding common pitfalls and biases.

These lessons are relevant for any product that operates in a dynamic and competitive market, such as forex and CFDs brokers. By following these guidelines, forex and CFDs brokers can create high-impact products that solve real problems for real users, and avoid wasting time and money on features and projects that don’t deliver value or meet the goals.

About the Author: Itamar Gilad
Itamar Gilad
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About the Author: Itamar Gilad
Itamar is a coach, author and speaker specializing in evidence-guided product management and product strategy. For over two decades he held senior product management and engineering roles at Google, Microsoft and a number of startups. At Google Itamar worked at YouTube and led parts of Gmail. Itamar is the author of the book Evidence-Guided: Creating High-Impact Products in the Face of Uncertainty. He also publishes a popular product management newsletter and is the creator of a number of product management methodologies including GIST Framework and The confidence meter. Itamar is based in Barcelona, Spain.
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