Quote of the Day
"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
5 Things You Need to Know Today
Most CFD Traders are Losers. With money, that is. Irish Regulators (which sounds like a band opening for Mumford & Sons) determined that 75% of investors in CFDs lost money in 2013 and 2014. These retail traders lost a combined $217 million. The big problem? Adding to losing trades. That never works.
Bill Ackman Adds to a Losing Trade. The silver-haired windbag hedge fund titan bought more Valeant stock. Now he owns 9.9% of the company. What's he expecting? A 4,000% move? A 4,000% move never happens.
A 4,000% Move Just Happened in this Stock. Just a few weeks ago, KaloBios was ready to shut down. It was going to fire its remaining employees. Its stock was trading at 44 cents. Today it closed at $39.17. This stock is eating short sellers for lunch.
Venture Capitalists are Investing in Lunch. Seriously: investors just plowed $80 million into Postmates, which delivers food to your door. Deliveroo has raised $170 million dollars since July of this year. And there are at least 20 other sites competing for the same customers. One of the companies is named "SpoonRocket".
Speaking of rockets...have you seen the AUD/NZD? This currency pair is literally on fire...doused with gasoline. It's the biggest gainer in the month of November so far. And remember: what comes up ...
Chart of the Day
Holy mother of trends! This stock jumped 4,000% in a matter of days. I'm ready to look for a sell trade. I don't know if there are shares to short, but I'd be interested.
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