OTAS Technologies has launched OTAS Base, a comprehensive toolkit utilizing APO and building applications Analytics for a suite of over 10,000 stocks worldwide.
OTAS Base relies on a composite of both an internal Order Management System (OMS) and Portfolio Management System (PMS). Furthermore, the BASE function can be applied to market microstructure charts and trading alerts into dealing platforms.
The interface is also compatible with more advanced analytics programs on the OTAS product offering via the OTAS private cloud. Users can access and merge content through proprietary data with a full arsenal of customized signals. This flexibility allows OTAS Base to effectively create bespoke applications to match businesses' demands.
According to Tom Doris, CEO of OTAS Technologies, in a recent statement on the launch, "By using OTAS Base, developers capitalize on best-in-class market analytics and OTAS user interface components too. Applications that Leverage the toolkit will look great with relatively little effort. OTAS Base is built entirely on open web standard technologies like HTML5. We don't impose a framework so developers can use the parts that are useful and build software on their own terms."