On 5 July 2022, Eurex reported its trading figures for June 2022 and saw a sharp increase in the total traded derivatives contracts as the number touched 210.9 million, which is up 26% compared to the same period last year. As far as interest rate derivatives are concerned, the volume increased 42%, which shows the strongest growth among the listed derivatives.
Overall, last month saw decent growth across different products. At Eurex Repo, the average daily term-adjusted volume reached EUR 191.8 billion, which is up by 54% compared to EUR 124.8 billion in June 2021.
“Interest rate derivatives showed the strongest year-on-year growth, up 42 percent from 57.9 million traded contracts to 82.0 million, while index derivatives grew by 28 percent, from 77.9 million traded contracts to 99.3 million. Total contracts traded in equity derivatives fell by 8 percent to 29.2 million,” Eurex noted.
“Outstanding notional volumes in OTC clearing continued to grow strongly in June, rising overall by 21 percent year-on-year despite two successful compression runs this year. Overall, outstanding volume stood at EUR 27,247 billion at the end of June compared to EUR 22,484 billion the year before with interest rate swaps and overnight index swaps posting growth of 24 percent and 132 percent respectively,” the exchange added.
Average Daily Cleared Volume
According to the details shared by Eurex, the average daily cleared volumes decreased in the previous month despite a substantial increase in the overnight index swaps and interest rate swaps.
“Average daily cleared volumes fell by 21 percent overall, although interest rate swaps and overnight index swaps also recorded strong growth here (+34 percent and +125 percent, respectively). The GC Pooling market was up 54 percent while the Repo Market grew by 53 percent year-on-year,” Eurex highlighted.
In February 2022, Eurex announced the expansion of its product offering through the addition of new MSCI Derivatives.