The Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX) has just announced the amount of margin FX product Click 365 contracts traded through the exchange in July 2015, showing a typical slowdown for the season.
The total trading volume of Exchange FX Margin contracts (Click 365) in July was 3,512,328, a decrease of 8.1% from June 2015 but still up 105.3% from July 2014. Click365's average daily trading volume in July was 152,710.
The main pairs suffering from the slowdown in July at TFX were the Japanese yen pairs. USD/JPY volume went down by 40.7%, EUR/JPY volume went down by 21.9% and CHF/JPY volume went down by 43.0%.
For comparison, the total trading volume of Exchange Equity Index Margin contracts (Click kabu 365) in July was 698,126, up 2.2% MoM and 120.5% YoY and its average daily trading volume was 30,354. Volume of German DAX Margin contracts went down by 52.8%.
The trading volume of Three-month Euroyen futures in July was 110,017, down 40.9% MoM and 43.6% YoY, and its average daily volume was 5,001. Combined trading volume for all TFX products was 4,320,471, down 7.9% MoM but still up 94.4% YoY and its average daily trading volume was 188,065.