Foreign Exchange has positioned itself as a recognised asset class over the last 8 years, daily trade volumes as measured by the Bank of International Settlements Survey show the market grew 20% between 2007 and 2010. FX is now traded by more participants including asset managers, hedge funds and pension funds. Trade Tech FX comes to London this week 25 - 27 Sept 2012.
The 2008 credit crisis is still showing its signs and new regulations in Europe and America are some of the key issues that will be discussed at the much awaited Trade Tech FX conferences.
The 3 days vent will be taking place at America Square Conference Centre, London.
Attendees will be listening to in-depth panel discussions on regulatory issues, best execution and fragmented Liquidity .
Day 1 starts with one of the most interesting topics - liquidity.
09:00 Panel discussion: Successfully pinpointing liquidity in electronic markets primary liquidity in electronic markets
Will Rhode, Senior Analyst, TABB Group
Patrik Safvenblad, Partner, Harmonic Capital
Nigel Rogers, Head of Trading and Founding Partner, Adrian Lee & Partners
Andrew Macleod, BNP Paribas Investment Partners
Asif Razaq, Global Head of FX Algo Execution, BNP Paribas
High Frequency Trading was under the limelight as the FSA and BIS were investigating the implications, some countries such as Germany and Russia are not in favour, does HF trading impact the worlds most liquid asset class? Find out what industry experts think at Trade Tech FX.
Forex Magnates London bureau will be at the event and reporting direct with all the news, views and analysis.