CLS Banks unfavourable April figures

Tuesday, 08/05/2012 | 15:44 GMT by Adil Siddiqui
CLS Banks unfavourable April figures

CLS Bank the worlds largest FX Settlement network has announced a major drop in settlement figures for April 2012.

Total volumes

In April 2012, the total volumes submitted to CLS, combining the Settlement and Aggregation services, were 945,388, which is down almost 12% from March (1,070,371).

Settlement volumes and values

In April CLS settled an average daily value of US$4.47 trillion, down 12% from those recorded in March (US$5.07 trillion). Average daily volumes during April were also down at 668,535 (March: 770,109).

CLS Aggregation Service - volumes

The average daily input volume into CLS Aggregation was 289,835 with an average compression ratio of 95%. The volumes submitted were down on March (312,185).

April is seen as a dry month with the Easter Break. EBS saw volumes dive in April.

CLS Bank the worlds largest FX Settlement network has announced a major drop in settlement figures for April 2012.

Total volumes

In April 2012, the total volumes submitted to CLS, combining the Settlement and Aggregation services, were 945,388, which is down almost 12% from March (1,070,371).

Settlement volumes and values

In April CLS settled an average daily value of US$4.47 trillion, down 12% from those recorded in March (US$5.07 trillion). Average daily volumes during April were also down at 668,535 (March: 770,109).

CLS Aggregation Service - volumes

The average daily input volume into CLS Aggregation was 289,835 with an average compression ratio of 95%. The volumes submitted were down on March (312,185).

April is seen as a dry month with the Easter Break. EBS saw volumes dive in April.

About the Author: Adil Siddiqui
Adil Siddiqui
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