During volatile times brokerage firms will face many uncertainties. An unstable market like the one created now by the coronavirus disease is one of quick change and ambiguity- brokerages never know how the rapidly changing price movements will affect their businesses success.
However, does this mean that brokerage firms should fear the uncertainty caused by a volatile market? How can brokerage firms protect themselves against the risk while at the same time take advantage of the market's conditions?
When dealing with an unpredictable market, brokerage firms must do everything in their power to maintain any advantage that they may have over their competition.
One way to do this is with a powerful low-latency trade processing software that will make even an unpredictable market a calmer experience.
That is where the FXCubic Liquidity Engine shines.
Below are some of the critical features that the FXCubic Liquidity
The term liquidity refers to the process, speed, and ease of which a given asset or security can be converted into cash. Notably, liquidity surmises a retention in market price, with the most liquid assets representing cash.The most liquid asset of all is cash itself.· In economics, liquidity is defined by how efficiently and quickly an asset can be converted into usable cash without materially affecting its market price. · Nothing is more liquid than cash, while other assets represent
The term liquidity refers to the process, speed, and ease of which a given asset or security can be converted into cash. Notably, liquidity surmises a retention in market price, with the most liquid assets representing cash.The most liquid asset of all is cash itself.· In economics, liquidity is defined by how efficiently and quickly an asset can be converted into usable cash without materially affecting its market price. · Nothing is more liquid than cash, while other assets represent
Read this Term Engine offers, which helps brokerage firms to navigate any market successfully.
FXCubic freely hosted software is a low-latency platform built on FIX API protocol; this technology allows our software to react to market events immediately with a high level of stability.
The software's powerful ability to quickly process high volumes of data is a significant advantage because it provides the user with the up to the minute information; as they need to make informed decisions.
Execution Customisation
FXCubic’s engine allows every instrument and customer profile belonging to a portfolio to be fully customised to meet the needs and requirements of both traders and brokers.
FXCubic can proudly claim that no other liquidity technology offers the same level of customisation and liquidity.
The high level of customisation allows the creation of unique liquidity guidelines through the FXCubic Web GUI, as well as the set-up of specific pricing and order routing customisations.
Users can apply these customisations on particular accounts, groups, symbols, trading interphases, LPs and much more.
Therefore, brokers can configure the platform’s settings to anticipate market changes to optimise their profitability. Most importantly, all the configurations are implemented immediately without the need to reboot the system.
Brokerage Profit
FXCubic software includes multiple exclusive functionalities that are designed to increase its client’s profits, including protected fixed spread settings, greatly flexible slippage rules, B-Book execution protection, and scalper detection features.
For example, clients who prefer to have scalper detection turned on will get real-time warnings and can define rules to take automated actions on these trades.
With the help of FXCubic features, brokers can increase their profits, minimise their losses, and will be able to have full control over Risk Management
Risk Management
One of the most common terms utilized by brokers, risk management refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in advance. Most commonly, this also involves the analysis of risk and the undertaking of precautionary steps to both mitigate and prevent for such risk.Such efforts are essential for brokers and venues in the finance industry, given the potential for fallout in the face of unforeseen events or crises. Given a more tightly regulated environment across nearly every asset class,
One of the most common terms utilized by brokers, risk management refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in advance. Most commonly, this also involves the analysis of risk and the undertaking of precautionary steps to both mitigate and prevent for such risk.Such efforts are essential for brokers and venues in the finance industry, given the potential for fallout in the face of unforeseen events or crises. Given a more tightly regulated environment across nearly every asset class,
Read this Term.
Idle/Delayed Symbol detection
FXCubic offers functionality that automatically detects idle symbols, network delayed feeds, and even uncertain feeds that differ too much compared to other liquidity providers.
Brokers will not only receive warnings about these conditions in real-time, they can choose to automatically take action that can filter out uncertain quotes, temporarily switch feeds and intercept execution.
Scheduled Configuration
With the FXCubic software, it is possible to create and save multiple customisations into profiles that can easily be switched with a click of a button and accommodate the various conditions of each specific market- calm, standard and volatile.
Being able to switch between profiles instantaneously, is highly advantageous because the marketplace can quickly transform from a mild to an unstable state without warning.
Also, the software can be programmed to automatically switch between profiles using a timeline, that include preconditions such as mark-ups, minimum/maximum spreads, slippage rules, toxic trading algorithms, B-Book protection algorithms, symbol inactivity thresholds and others according to the time and day.
This automation eliminates human error and optimises productivity and use of resources.
In a volatile market caused by major global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, brokers cannot afford to have software that crashes or lags, causing their clients to miss out on trading opportunities.
FXCubic has proven stability in its bridge performance during this volatile time according to positive user feedback from some of the largest brokers currently using its technology.
With 20 years of core development team experience in the Fintech Industry, FXCubic has developed their solutions by paying close attention to the feedback received from their clients which resulted in liquidity technology that was truly built with their client in mind.
FXCubic’s experience and highly specialised software make them the perfect partner to help brokers become even more successful than they already are.
Visit their website at https://fxcubic.com/ to learn more about how the FXCubic Liquidity Engine benefits brokerage firms
Disclaimer: The content of this article is sponsored and does not represent the opinions of Finance Magnates.
During volatile times brokerage firms will face many uncertainties. An unstable market like the one created now by the coronavirus disease is one of quick change and ambiguity- brokerages never know how the rapidly changing price movements will affect their businesses success.
However, does this mean that brokerage firms should fear the uncertainty caused by a volatile market? How can brokerage firms protect themselves against the risk while at the same time take advantage of the market's conditions?
When dealing with an unpredictable market, brokerage firms must do everything in their power to maintain any advantage that they may have over their competition.
One way to do this is with a powerful low-latency trade processing software that will make even an unpredictable market a calmer experience.
That is where the FXCubic Liquidity Engine shines.
Below are some of the critical features that the FXCubic Liquidity
The term liquidity refers to the process, speed, and ease of which a given asset or security can be converted into cash. Notably, liquidity surmises a retention in market price, with the most liquid assets representing cash.The most liquid asset of all is cash itself.· In economics, liquidity is defined by how efficiently and quickly an asset can be converted into usable cash without materially affecting its market price. · Nothing is more liquid than cash, while other assets represent
The term liquidity refers to the process, speed, and ease of which a given asset or security can be converted into cash. Notably, liquidity surmises a retention in market price, with the most liquid assets representing cash.The most liquid asset of all is cash itself.· In economics, liquidity is defined by how efficiently and quickly an asset can be converted into usable cash without materially affecting its market price. · Nothing is more liquid than cash, while other assets represent
Read this Term Engine offers, which helps brokerage firms to navigate any market successfully.
FXCubic freely hosted software is a low-latency platform built on FIX API protocol; this technology allows our software to react to market events immediately with a high level of stability.
The software's powerful ability to quickly process high volumes of data is a significant advantage because it provides the user with the up to the minute information; as they need to make informed decisions.
Execution Customisation
FXCubic’s engine allows every instrument and customer profile belonging to a portfolio to be fully customised to meet the needs and requirements of both traders and brokers.
FXCubic can proudly claim that no other liquidity technology offers the same level of customisation and liquidity.
The high level of customisation allows the creation of unique liquidity guidelines through the FXCubic Web GUI, as well as the set-up of specific pricing and order routing customisations.
Users can apply these customisations on particular accounts, groups, symbols, trading interphases, LPs and much more.
Therefore, brokers can configure the platform’s settings to anticipate market changes to optimise their profitability. Most importantly, all the configurations are implemented immediately without the need to reboot the system.
Brokerage Profit
FXCubic software includes multiple exclusive functionalities that are designed to increase its client’s profits, including protected fixed spread settings, greatly flexible slippage rules, B-Book execution protection, and scalper detection features.
For example, clients who prefer to have scalper detection turned on will get real-time warnings and can define rules to take automated actions on these trades.
With the help of FXCubic features, brokers can increase their profits, minimise their losses, and will be able to have full control over Risk Management
Risk Management
One of the most common terms utilized by brokers, risk management refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in advance. Most commonly, this also involves the analysis of risk and the undertaking of precautionary steps to both mitigate and prevent for such risk.Such efforts are essential for brokers and venues in the finance industry, given the potential for fallout in the face of unforeseen events or crises. Given a more tightly regulated environment across nearly every asset class,
One of the most common terms utilized by brokers, risk management refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in advance. Most commonly, this also involves the analysis of risk and the undertaking of precautionary steps to both mitigate and prevent for such risk.Such efforts are essential for brokers and venues in the finance industry, given the potential for fallout in the face of unforeseen events or crises. Given a more tightly regulated environment across nearly every asset class,
Read this Term.
Idle/Delayed Symbol detection
FXCubic offers functionality that automatically detects idle symbols, network delayed feeds, and even uncertain feeds that differ too much compared to other liquidity providers.
Brokers will not only receive warnings about these conditions in real-time, they can choose to automatically take action that can filter out uncertain quotes, temporarily switch feeds and intercept execution.
Scheduled Configuration
With the FXCubic software, it is possible to create and save multiple customisations into profiles that can easily be switched with a click of a button and accommodate the various conditions of each specific market- calm, standard and volatile.
Being able to switch between profiles instantaneously, is highly advantageous because the marketplace can quickly transform from a mild to an unstable state without warning.
Also, the software can be programmed to automatically switch between profiles using a timeline, that include preconditions such as mark-ups, minimum/maximum spreads, slippage rules, toxic trading algorithms, B-Book protection algorithms, symbol inactivity thresholds and others according to the time and day.
This automation eliminates human error and optimises productivity and use of resources.
In a volatile market caused by major global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, brokers cannot afford to have software that crashes or lags, causing their clients to miss out on trading opportunities.
FXCubic has proven stability in its bridge performance during this volatile time according to positive user feedback from some of the largest brokers currently using its technology.
With 20 years of core development team experience in the Fintech Industry, FXCubic has developed their solutions by paying close attention to the feedback received from their clients which resulted in liquidity technology that was truly built with their client in mind.
FXCubic’s experience and highly specialised software make them the perfect partner to help brokers become even more successful than they already are.
Visit their website at https://fxcubic.com/ to learn more about how the FXCubic Liquidity Engine benefits brokerage firms
Disclaimer: The content of this article is sponsored and does not represent the opinions of Finance Magnates.